Agrochemical soil survey
National Scientific Centre «V.Ye. Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking» NAAS of Ukraine

Laboratory of Agrochemistry of the National Scientific Centre «V.Ye. Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking» National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine offers the following types of services to viticulture and winemaking enterprises:

  • calculation of fertilizer doses for the planned grape harvest;
  • development of recommendations for the use of foliar fertilization with one-component and complex fertilizers;
  • conducting classes with farm specialists on fertilizer application.
The cost of determining the physical and chemical condition of the soil

The object of measurement is the soil


Indicator name Unit The cost of determining the indicator, UAH
(including VAT)
1. Hydrogen index (pH) of water extract sample 11,72
2. Carbonate content in water extract, mmol/100 g of soil sample 15,60
3. Bicarbonate content in water extract, mmol/100 g of soil sample 23,40
4. Chloride content in water extract, mmol/100 g of soil sample 31,20
5. Sulfate content in water extract, mmol/100 g of soil sample 29,34
6. Calcium content in water extract, mmol/100 g of soil sample 26,82
7. Magnesium content in water extract, mmol/100 g of soil sample 26,82
8. Sodium content in water extract, mmol/100 g of soil sample 23,40
9. Potassium content in aqueous extract, mmol/100 g of soil sample 23,40
10. Exchange sodium content, mmol/100 g of soil sample 31,36
11. Exchangeable calcium content, mmol/100 g of soil sample 34,32
12. Exchange magnesium content, mmol/100 g of soil sample 34,32
13. Mass fraction of hydrolyzed nitrogen (according to Cornfield), mg/kg of soil sample 46,80
14. Mass fraction of mobile phosphorus compounds (Р2О5), mg/kg of soil sample 44,76
15. Mass fraction of mobile potassium compounds (K2О), mg/kg of soil sample 34,32
16. Mass fraction of organic matter (humus), % sample 62,40
17. Mass fraction of carbonates, % sample 40,63
18. Mass fraction of «active» carbonates, % sample 44,05
19. Granulometric composition of soil – the content of granulometric fractions, % sample 115,32

Regarding soil research, please contact:

Syvak Nataliya Oleksandrivna +38 (048) 740-36-76
+38 (097) 102-33-46